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  in  🗓️ calendar-1962_ordo
March 14

Friday, March 14, 2025 - Ember Friday of Lent

II class, Violet

Abstinence de jure; also a traditional day of fast in the USA

General info: Information on Ember Days and the particular rubrics of Flectamus genua are found in R ub ri c al F A Q s

Mass: Mass of Ember Friday of Lent; no Gloria; no Credo; Preface for Lent; Prayer over the people


Matins: Invitatorium and Hymn in Tempore Quadragesimae as given in the psalter; 3 lessons proper (homilia in Evangelium diei); no Te Deum

Lauds: Antiphons and psalms of the feria (2nd scheme); remainder in Tempore Quadragesimae as given in the psalter, except proper antiphon at Benedictus Angelus Domini and proper oration; preces are said

Hours: Antiphons and psalms of the feria; remainder Tempore Quadragesimae as given in the psalter

Vespers: Antiphons and psalms of the feria; remainder Tempore Quadragesimae as given in the psalter, except proper antiphon at Magnificat Qui me and proper oration; preces are said

Compline: Of the feria

  in  ⛪ daily_quotes
March 14

Daily Quote #54

  in  ⛪ daily_quotes
March 13

Daily Quote #53

  in  🗓️ calendar-1962_ordo
March 13

Thursday, March 13, 2025 - Thursday after the First Sunday of Lent

III class, Violet

Mass: Mass of the Lenten feria; no Gloria; no Credo; Preface for Lent; Prayer over the people


Matins: Invitatorium and Hymn in Tempore Quadragesimae as given in the psalter; antiphons and psalms of the feria; 3 lessons proper (homilia in Evangelium diei); no Te Deum

Lauds: Antiphons and psalms of the feria (2nd scheme); remainder in Tempore Quadragesimae as given in the psalter, except proper antiphon at Benedictus and proper oration

Hours: Antiphons and psalms of the feria; remainder in Tempore Quadragesimae as given in the psalter

Vespers: Antiphons and psalms of the feria; remainder in Tempore Quadragesimae as given in the psalter, except proper antiphon at Magnificat and proper oration

Compline: Of the feria

  in  ⛪ daily_quotes
March 12

Daily Quote #52

  in  🗓️ calendar-1962_ordo
March 12

Wednesday, March 12, 2025 - Ember Wednesday of Lent

II class, Violet

Commemoration of St. Gregory the Great, Pope, Confessor, and Doctor of the Church Traditional day of fast and partial abstinence in the USA

General info: Information on Ember Days and the particular rubrics of Flectamus genua can be found in R ub ri c al F A Q s

Mass: Mass of Ember Wednesday of Lent with one prophecy preceding the Epistle; no Gloria; commemoration added; no Credo; Preface for Lent; Prayer over the people


Matins: Invitatorium and Hymn in Tempore Quadragesimae as given in the psalter; last 3 psalms are taken from 2nd scheme; 3 lessons proper (homilia in Evangelium diei); no Te Deum

Lauds: Antiphons and psalms of the feria (2nd scheme); remainder in Tempore Quadragesimae as given in the psalter, except proper antiphon at Benedictus Generatio and proper oration; commemoration added; preces are said

Hours: Antiphons and psalms of the feria; remainder Tempore Quadragesimae as given in the psalter

Vespers: Antiphons and psalms of the feria; remainder Tempore Quadragesimae as given in the psalter, except proper antiphon at Magnificat Sicut fuit and proper oration; preces are said

Compline: Of the feria

  in  ⛪ daily_quotes
March 11

Daily Quote #51

  in  🗓️ calendar-1962_ordo
March 11

Tuesday, March 11, 2025 - Tuesday after the First Sunday of Lent

III class, Violet

Mass: Mass of the Lenten feria; no Gloria; no Credo; Preface for Lent; Prayer over the people


Matins: Invitatorium and Hymn in Tempore Quadragesimae as given in the psalter; antiphons and psalms of the feria; 3 lessons proper (homilia in Evangelium diei); no Te Deum

Lauds: Antiphons and psalms of the feria (2nd scheme); remainder in Tempore Quadragesimae as given in the psalter, except proper antiphon at Benedictus and proper oration

Hours: Antiphons and psalms of the feria; remainder in Tempore Quadragesimae as given in the psalter

Vespers: Antiphons and psalms of the feria; remainder in Tempore Quadragesimae as given in the psalter, except proper antiphon at Magnificat and proper oration

Compline: Of the feria

  in  ⛪ daily_quotes
March 10

Daily Quote #50

  in  🗓️ calendar-1962_ordo
March 10

Monday, March 10, 2025 - Monday after the First Sunday of Lent

III class, Violet

Commemoration of the Forty Holy Martyrs

Mass: Mass of Monday after First Sunday of Lent; no Gloria; commemoration added; no Credo; Preface for Lent; Prayer over the people

Mass: Mass of Monday after First Sunday of Lent; no Gloria; commemoration added; no Credo; Preface for Lent; Prayer over the people Benedictus and proper oration; commemoration added

Hours: Antiphons and psalms of the feria; remainder Tempore Quadragesimae as given in the psalter

Vespers: Antiphons and psalms of the feria; remainder in Tempore Quadragesimae as given in the psalter, except proper antiphon at Magnificat and proper oration

Compline: Of the feria