SSPX Podcast

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The Catholic Mass Series

For 2,000 years, humanity has raised temples, composed hymns, crafted stained glass - all in service of one thing: The Catholic Mass From the desert Fathers, who meditated, and prayed, and came to a simple conclusion - the Mass is Christ still walking with us - to the most brilliant minds of the last century, lifetimes have been spent… on pilgrimage, and up the altar steps, by men, searching the depths of their knowledge, attempting to unravel the great mystery of Christ’s Sacrifice. And along with them, we will explore the history, theology, and spirituality of the Catholic Mass. More than an academic exercise, this series is designed for one thing: to draw you closer to Our Lord at Mass and in Communion. For Archbishop Lefebvre, the Catholic Mass motivated the great work of his life. Half-a-century later, hundreds of priests, his spiritual children, ensure that when things seem the most uncertain, That we will never lose The Catholic Mass. And so whether you are new to Catholic Tradition, or have been attending the traditional Latin Mass for your life, join us, to explore the beauty and riches of The Catholic Mass.