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February 14

Friday, February 14, 2025 - Feria – St. Valentine

IV class, Green

Commemoration of St. Valentine, Priest and Martyr

Mass: Mass of preceding Sunday (Green), no Gloria, commemoration added, no Credo, common preface OR Mass of the commemorated feast (Red), Gloria, no Credo, common preface


Matins: Invitatorium and Hymn per annum as given in the psalter; lessons from occurring scripture, no Te Deum

Lauds: Antiphons and psalms of the feria (second schema); remainder per annum as given in the psalter; oration of the preceding Sunday; commemoration added

Hours: Antiphons and psalms of the feria; remainder per annum as given in the psalter; oration of the preceding Sunday

Vespers: Antiphons and psalms of the feria; remainder per annum as given in the psalter; oration of the preceding Sunday

Compline: Of the feria

February 13

Thursday, February 13, 2025 - Feria

IV class, Violet

Mass: Mass of preceding Sunday (Violet), no Gloria, omit Tract, no Credo, common preface


Matins: Invitatorium and Hymn per annum as given in the psalter; lessons from occurring scripture, no Te Deum

Lauds: Antiphons and psalms of the feria (second schema); remainder per annum as given in the psalter; oration of the preceding Sunday

Hours: Antiphons and psalms of the feria; remainder per annum as given in the psalter; oration of the preceding Sunday

Vespers: Antiphons and psalms of the feria; remainder per annum as given in the psalter; oration of the preceding Sunday

Compline: Of the feria

February 12

Wednesday, February 12, 2025 - Seven Holy Founders

Confessors (Founders of the Servite Order of the BVM)

III class, White

Mass: preface Proper Mass Iusti decantaverunt, Gloria, common

Breviary: Some parts of the Office are proper.

Matins: Invitatorium Regem Confessorum; Proper

Hymn Bella dum; lessons 1 and 2 (second and third joined) from occurring scripture, lesson 3 of the feast; Te Deum

Lauds: Ferial antiphons and psalms; remainder proper

Hours: Ferial antiphons and psalms; remainder proper

Vespers: Ferial antiphons and psalms; remainder proper

Compline: Of the feria

February 11

Tuesday, February 11, 2025 - Apparition of the B.V.M at Lourdes

III class, White

Mass: Mass of the feast, Gloria, no Credo, common preface

Breviary: Much of the Office is proper.

Matins: All is proper; Te Deum

Lauds: Proper antiphons, with Sunday psalms (first schema), remainder proper

Hours: Antiphons and psalms of the feria, remainder proper; Verse at Prime Qui natus es

Vespers: Proper antiphons, with psalms from the Common of the BVM, remainder proper

Compline: Of the feria

February 10

Monday, February 10, 2025 - St. Scholastica


III class, White

Mass: Mass of the feast, Gloria, no Credo, common preface

Breviary: Ordinary Office of the feast

Matins: Invitatorium and Hymn from the Common; psalms and antiphons of the feria; first two lessons of the occurring Scripture (second and third joined); lesson 3 of the feast; Te Deum

Lauds: Antiphons and psalms of the feria (first schema), remainder from the Common; oration proper

Hours: Antiphons and psalms of the feria, remainder from the Common; oration proper

Vespers: Antiphons and psalms of the feria, remainder from the Common; oration proper

Compline: Of the feria

February 09

Sunday, February 9, 2025 - V Sunday after Epiphany

II class, Green

Mass: Mass of the V Sunday after Epiphany; Gloria; Credo; preface of the Holy Trinity

Breviary: Office of Sunday per annum

Matins: Invitatorium and Hymn per annum as given in the psalter; first and second lessons from the occurring scripture, third lesson proper; Te Deum

Lauds: Antiphons and psalms of Sunday (first schema); remainder per annum as given in the psalter; Benedictus antiphon and oration proper

Hours: Antiphons and psalms of Sunday (at Prime, Psalm 117 is used); remainder per annum as given in the psalter; oration proper

II Vespers: Antiphons and psalms of Sunday; remainder per annum as given in the psalter; Magnificat antiphon and oration proper

Compline: Of Sunday

February 08

Saturday, February 8, 2025 - St. John of Matha


III class, White

Mass: Mass of the feast, Gloria, no Credo, common preface

Breviary: Ordinary Office of the feast

Matins: Invitatorium and Hymn from the Common; psalms and antiphons of the feria; first two lessons of the occurring Scripture (second and third joined); lesson 3 of the feast; Te Deum

Lauds: Antiphons and psalms of the feria (first schema), remainder from the Common; oration proper

Hours: Antiphons and psalms of the feria, remainder from the Common; oration proper

I Vespers: Of the following Sunday; antiphons and psalms of Saturday; remainder per annum as given in the psalter; proper Magnificat antiphon and oration

Compline: Of Saturday

February 07

Friday, February 7, 2025 - St. Romuald (First Friday)


III class, White

General info: The First Friday votive Masses may be said: “two Masses of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, on the first Friday of each month, in churches and oratories in which special devotions are held on that day in honor of the Sacred Heart” (Rubricæ generales, 385b)

Mass: Sacred Heart votive: (White) Mass of the Feast of the Sacred Heart, Gloria, commemoration of the saint, no Credo, proper preface OR Mass of St. Romuald, Os iusti (White) with proper collect, Gloria, no Credo, common preface

Breviary: Ordinary Offices

Matins: Invitatorium Regem Confessorum; Hymn Iste Confessor; lessons 1 and 2 (second and third joined) from occurring scripture, lesson 3 of the feast; Te Deum

Lauds: Ferial antiphons and psalms; remainder from the common; proper prayer

Hours: Ferial antiphons and psalms; remainder from the common

Vespers: Ferial antiphons and psalms; remainder from the common

Compline: Of the feria

February 06

Thursday, February 6, 2025 - St. Titus (First Thursday)

Bishop and Confessor

III class, White

Commemoration of St. Dorothy, Virgin and Martyr

General info: The First Thursday votive Mass may be said: “one Mass of our Lord Jesus Christ, eternal High Priest, on the first Thursday or the first Saturday of each month, in churches and oratories in which special devotions are held on that day for the sanctification of the clergy” (Rubricæ generales, 385a)

Mass: First Thursday votive: (White) Mass of our Lord Jesus Christ, eternal High Priest, Gloria, two commemorations added under one conclusion, no Credo, common Preface OR Mass Statuit ei with commemoration of St. Dorothy, Gloria, common preface

Breviary: Ordinary Offices

Matins: Invitatorium Regem Confessorum; Hymn Iste Confessor; lessons 1 and 2 (=2+3) from occurring scripture, lesson 3 of the feast; Te Deum

Lauds: Ferial antiphons and psalms; remainder from the common; oration proper; commemoration of St. Dorothy

Hours: Ferial antiphons and psalms; remainder from the common; oration proper

Vespers: Ferial antiphons and psalms; remainder from the common; oration proper

Compline: Of the feria

February 05

Wednesday, February 5, 2025 - St. Agatha

Virgin and Martyr

III class, Red

Mass: Proper Mass Gaudeamus, Gloria, no Credo, common preface

Breviary: A great part of the Office of St. Agatha is Proper

Matins: All Proper including psalms and 3 lessons; Te Deum

Lauds: Proper antiphons, Sunday psalms of the 1st place; remainder proper

Hours: Ferial antiphons and psalms; remainder proper

Vespers: Proper antiphons, Sunday psalms with 5th psalm proper (Ps. 147); remainder proper

Compline: Of the feria